Communicate Your Expertise with Thought Leadership Content

My services include:

  • Topic Ideation, Keyword Research, Content Calendars
  • On-page SEO
  • Content Writing & Editing (e.g. blog posts, pillar pages & topic clusters, eBooks, whitepapers, website copy & service pages, social media copy, case studies, YouTube scripts)
  • Content Repurposing & Content Refreshing
  • Revising & Editing AI-Generated Content
  • Press Releases
  • News & Feature Articles
  • Thought-leadership Articles
  • Ghostwriting
  • Content Strategy
  • Content Management (i.e. supervising editors & writers; managing deliverables)
  • Digital PR
  • Content Syndication
  • Email and Newsletter Marketing Copy
  • Copwriting & Copyediting for Traditional Print (e.g. brochures, flyers, manuals, viewbooks, and exhibition materials)

Please email or send me a direct message using the form below for additional samples of my work and rates.